This page has some hints and tips for getting the best out of
the ShropMog Web Site.
Subject Area
The screen is split into three areas. The area in which this text
appears is the "subject" area. All of the site content will be
shown in this area.
Navigation Area
To the left is a list of blue buttons, appearing in the "navigation"
area. The site content is divided into subject areas
and each button will show the requested section in the "subject"
area. The feedback button will start an Email for you to send
to ShropMog.
Title Area
Above, is the title section.
You can resize all of the sections by putting your cursor on the
boundary lines and click-and-drag to resize. You may find it useful
to enlarge the "subject" area as there is plenty of content to be
Each of the three areas will display horizontal and/or vertical scroll
bars when required. Use these to move around and see the content.
You will also see in-page links, in the "subject" area text (and
some of the pictures). Their use is shown in the picture below...
Your browser may allow selection of text size. This site works best
with a small text size. If using Microsoft Internet Explorer, use
"View > Text Size > Smaller" from the drop down menu.
Good Luck and happy viewing.